¿Cómo cuidar tu cabello con aceite de coco?
Si te sientes un poco perdida o perdido en el universo de la cosmética capilar. Si ya te cansaste de probar productos nuevos y costosos y estás a punto de tirar la toalla, te pedimos que no lo hagas. ¡Has llegado al lugar indicado! En este post te vamos a contar todo lo que el aceite de coco tiene para aportarle a tu cabello.
Cuidar tu cabello no tiene por qué tomarte tanto tiempo ni consumirte demasiado dinero. Solo es cuestión de encontrar el producto adecuado que tenga muchas funciones y no tener tantos frascos con compuestos distintos que al final nunca usaremos. Es por esto que el aceite de coco es el elegido.
El aceite de coco es rico en triglicéridos y grasas que protegen las proteínas que tenemos en el cabello. Es tan completo que no solo repara los daños que ya pueda tener tu pelo, sino que además lo protege de diferentes agentes externos. Entre ellos podemos mencionar el sol como uno de los principales factores nocivos para las fibras capilares. En este sentido, el aceite de coco tiene protección UV natural, por lo que tu cabello estará muy bien protegido.
¿Qué efectos produce el aceite de coco en el cabello?
Aunque el aceite de coco se usa en cosmética para el cuidado de la piel, en esta ocasión solo estaremos hablando sobre los beneficios que tiene en el cabello. Nutrición, hidratación, mascarilla, acondicionador, anticaspa y crema de peinado, seis funciones que este aceite de origen vegetal puede cumplir en el cuidado capilar.
- Nutrición.
El aceite de coco es especial para nutrir el cabello, sobre todo si tienes el cuero cabelludo reseco. En este caso, te recomendamos aplicarlo en la noche, antes de acostarte, y dejar que actúe mientras duermes. De esta forma, lograrás una nutrición muy completa desde la raíz hasta la punta de tu pelo.
Recuerda que este aceite es rico en ácidos grasos, en especial el láurico. Además, el peso de las moléculas que lo componen es bajo, por lo que la absorción en la fibra capilar es muy buena.
- Hidratación.
Gracias a su composición, el aceite de coco es un hidratante muy potente porque retiene la humedad natural del cabello. Mientras el pelo esté hidratado no será susceptible de sufrir daño por quiebre.
- Mascarilla
For it to work as a mask, you must apply it before washing your hair . It is an excellent pre-wash protector and will also make it easier to detangle your hair. Remember that when hair is wet is when it is most vulnerable. Because? The scales or protective layers face downwards, that is, from the root to the tip and overlap each other. When they get wet, they open and leave the hair fiber unprotected.
- Conditioner
It is the best conditioner you can use. It does not have chemicals, silicones, parabens or any other synthetic components that damage hair so much. You can apply it from the middle of your hair to the ends, let it sit for a moment and rinse.
- Anti-dandruff
We suggest that you put aside anti-dandruff shampoo for a while and give coconut oil a chance. Massage the scalp with coconut oil that you could combine with a few drops of sesame oil. If you do this regularly, you will say goodbye to dandruff forever.
- Styling cream.
If you use it as a styling cream, you will have incredible results. You have to apply it half warm so that it is easy for you to distribute it throughout your hair. When it cools it thickens and your hair will have the shape you have given it.
The truth is that the uses of coconut oil could be many more because it is so versatile that it adapts to what your hair needs. In addition to moisturizing it, reducing breakage, and nourishing it, coconut oil is special for preventing loss of hair protein.
Tips for applying coconut oil.
What oil to buy? How do I apply it? At what time? With these tips we are going to get the most out of coconut oil for hair care.
It can be very easy to get lost in the universe of cosmetic products between brands and products and not know which one to opt for. The first thing you have to keep in mind is to read the label of what you are going to purchase.
Don’t forget that you are buying a natural product, so in the Ingredients or Composition section, it should only say coconut. We are talking about an extra virgin coconut oil that only contains coconut. Sorry for the insistence, but that’s how it is. If not, you end up buying a product that has only a small percentage of coconut oil and you won’t see the same results.
You can always use edible coconut oil, the kind used for cooking. Its texture is likely to be thick and more like a paste than an oil. In this case, you must first warm it so that it remains liquid and is easy for you to apply. In reality, just leaving it at room temperature is enough.
- Fragrance
If you wish, you can add essential oils such as mint, jasmine, lavender, etc. This way you will have a different aroma in case you get tired of coconut. On the other hand, if you add lemon water, the result will be an ideal tonic to relieve hair loss . Another tip to prevent hair loss is to boil some sage leaves in coconut oil. Once warm, apply to the scalp, leave for a few minutes and rinse.
- Application.
If you use it as a pre-washing mask, place a little oil in your hands and distribute it on dry hair before washing it. Apply from roots to ends. Then, use a wide comb to distribute the oil well. Leave it on for a few minutes to give the oil time to penetrate to the core of the hair. Then wash as usual.
On the contrary, if you prefer to use it after washing your hair, we recommend letting it dry a little and carrying out the same process as before. That is, apply it from the roots to the tips. This way, you will have a natural styling cream that will protect you from external agents that damage your hair. Likewise, you will not achieve the shine that your hair will have with any other hair cosmetic product.
- Caution.
Although it has no contraindications because it is a natural product, the reality is that it is not suitable for use every day and in all the ways we have seen. Do not abuse coconut oil because you could generate unwanted fat. Don’t use it daily.
Look at your hair, see what it needs, try to get to know it better. It may happen that one day you need to use coconut oil as a mask, and the next week as a conditioner or styling cream.
Vary its uses and if your hair is naturally oily, we advise you to use it very little to maintain good nutrition.
For hair care, we say yes to coconut oil. As we have seen, it is one of the few vegetable oils (if not the only one) that penetrates the hair fiber to its core and preserves the natural proteins that the hair has.
Go ahead and try coconut oil, your hair will thank you. Remember that your hair says a lot about you. Healthy, shiny and soft hair is a very strong calling card and you should not overlook it.
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